Girl Online - On Tour

Girl Online - On Tour


Penny's bags are packed . . . When Noah invites Penny on his European music tour, she can't wait to spend time with her rock-god-tastic boyfriend. But, between Noah's jam-packed schedule, less-than-welcoming bandmates and threatening messages from jealous fans, Penny wonders whether she's really cut out for life on tour. She can't help but miss her family, her best friend Elliot . . . and her blog, Girl Online. Can Penny learn to balance life and love on the road, or will she lose everything in pursuit of the perfect summer?

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ISBN - 014136422X

Format - paperback

Publisher - Penguin

Pages - 368

Exterior Condition - Softened edges from storage but other than that, it's good!

Interior Conditions - some page edges are a little turned inwards but other than that - all good!


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