Forever Odd (Book 2)

Forever Odd (Book 2)


Evil never backs down, so neither can he.

Odd Thomas, that unlikely hero, once more stands between us and our worst fears.

Odd never asked to communicate with the dead they sought him out, in the small desert town of Pico Mundo, which he can never leave. He has already lost the love of his life; and now a childhood friend has disappeared and the worst is feared.

But as Odd applies his unique talents to the task of finding his friend, he discovers something far worse than a dead body. Evil personified has come to visit this desert community of souls both living and dead...

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ISBN - 978-0-00-779665-6

Format - paperback

Publisher - Harper collins

Pages - 419

Exterior Condition - Unbroken spine with a little bit of softening on the top front edge from storage.

Interior Conditions - interior is perfect.




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